Specialized Contact Lenses:
There are specialized contact lenses available for specific conditions of the eyes. They give guarantied vision in these patients making them even 6/6.
These cases are of difficult corneas or failed corneal procedures like :
- Difficult Refractive Conditions due to Corneal Thinning.
- High Cylindrical numbers not managed by glasses or in Routine Lenses. (Expected Vision 6/6) Keratoconus.
- Early Keratoconus to Stabilize the shape of the Cornea and Prevent the Progression of the Coning.
- Established Keratoconus with Non-Satisfactory Vision with the Glasses.
- Established Keratoconus with Non-Satisfactory Contact Lens (Soft or Regular or RoseK) Fitting.
- Complicated Cases of Keratoconus- Hydrops, Corneal Opacity.
- Keratoglobus – whole Cornea is thin and numbers are not corrected by and mode of Refraction.
- Pellucidal Marginal Degeneration: - margins of the corneas are sick and cause recurrent inflammation of the eye and marginal thinning.
Pre/Post Lasik (Laser surgery for number reduction) complications :
- Post Lasik thinning of corneas leading to regression of numbers and inability to get good vision in glasses or any other lenses.
- Patients who have been denied Lasik surgeries due to difficult numbers.
- Incomplete correction of their numbers with routine lenses.
- Difficult complex numbers after Laser surgery.
- Patients who have been denied Lasik surgeries due to thin corneas.
- Failed radial keratotomy surgery patients have best vision with them, and it also protects that cornea from sudden injury.
Industrial hazards affecting eyes :
- Complications of chemical injuries
- Limbal stem cell deficiency following chemical burns ( lime, caustic, ammonia alkali or acid burns)
- Scars following chemical burns.
- Non healing corneal erosions after chemical burns
- As protection of eyes from chemical fumes in chemical factories
- Wielding burns and industries which have constant exposure to heat and blazes to the eyes. It can be used like protective cover to the eye from heat and splinters or foreign bodies. it gives cooling effect to the eyes.
Other corneal conditions :
- Steven Johnson syndrome- drug induced relational side effect in the eyes.
- Pellucidal Marginal Degeneration.
- Terrains Marginal Degeneration.
- Recurrent Corneal Erosions.
- Pediatric Patients with High Mixed Nos.
- One Eyed Aphakic Patients with Corneal Decompensation.
- Post Keratoplasty to Manage Refractive Errors.
How does it help physiologically :
The corneal tissue physiologically is a wet tissue it functions like a lens window as well as refractive glass. It also contains lot of nerves in its layers hence if they get exposed it causes lot of pain.
There are three main layers of the cornea out of which the outer most layer needs to be kept wet and healthy.
Any condition which causes dryness in eyes leading to damage of this layer and not allow healing with any modality the specialized contact lenses are known to help in the healing and this healing will help in restoring the vision.
All those who have any of the above mentioned problems do definitely take note of this newer modality of treatment and take a trial to see if this helps.
Oculoplastic Surgery :
Various Oculoplastic surgeries are performed at Dr. Kadam’s Eye Hospital.
Dr. Subhash Kadam specializes in Squint surgery and has corrected many a cross eyed patients. He has been performing squint or strabismus surgery for last 40 years.
Other routinely performed squint surgeries are Ptosis correction, Entropion, Ectropion, DCR etc. |